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Infonovum has developed software that is being used by top investment banks and Fortune 100 companies in the financial domain. We are a team of passionate individuals who seek excitement in solving complex problems in business and technology.

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Infonovum has developed a framework for automating client data inputs to the system.

The atuomated dataload framework supports a variety of industry standard exchange file formats like EXCEL, TSV and CSV.

Previously our clients carried it out as a completely manual process which involved the participation of IT Support staff and the Operations staff. The Operations staff were required to guide the IT team on fixing data errors in files. With automation, human intervention is needed only when there are errors to be taken care of. Even errors, if any, are reported automatically by the system via email alerts. Before the implementation of this framework, someone was required to manually scan the incoming files for errors.

Our framework also provides a smart dashboard for managing, historicizing and auditing data. Previously, our clients were storing everything in log files. Fetching historic data or looking up auditing information on that data required technical capabilities. Today anyone can use our super-easy dashboard to work with data.

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